Saturday, May 23, 2015

Surfside Conversation

It’s been several weeks since I last posted a new painting, because I took two weeks to transition from our FL house to our NY house. I’m shocked it took so long, but there are so many little things to catch up on in this nomadic life.

So, I’m still working on some paintings from my Florida beach scenes, while I snap some images up north to paint this summer. This one is of two women in a conversation, with the gulf waters behind them. (In reality, they were on a crowded beach with a blue life guard tower behind them – see the original below.) I edited it heavily to simplify the image and tell the story of the coastal waters. But when I merged it with the water shot, I found the mother taking a photo of her daughter running into the surf. Notice that she has her iPhone raised about a foot and a half from her face; before, she would have been holding the camera up to her eye. Quite a change in less than a decade.

Here's the original photo...